Women & Leadership
Your Ambition and Your Ally Paid Members Public
The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup serves as a powerful symbol of the world's growing acceptance and celebration of women's ambition and success in the realm of sports, inspiring future generations and reshaping societal attitudes toward female athletes.
The New Matriarchs Paid Members Public
Recognizing the shift in demographics, the ecosystem is adapting, with initiatives emerging to help women family leaders find their voices and become more active participants in managing their family’s wealth.
Women Entrepreneurship: A Pathway to Abundance Paid Members Public
Data published by the U.S. Census Bureau, Dow Jones, Harvard Business Review, and other studies show that: women-owned businesses generate significantly higher revenues and create significantly more jobs than male-owned businesses.
Women in Venture Capital: An Impactful Deal Paid Members Public
If we want to close wealth gaps and invest in startups in markets that will transform the world, we need more diversity in the teams that make investment decisions. Serious diversity will generate more money, which will permeate the startups, the community in which they are, and the region.
Advantages of Equity and Challenges for Women in the Workplace Paid Members Public
Companies need to recognize and reward women leaders who are driving progress. And they need to do the deep cultural work necessary to create a workplace where all women feel valued, and biases about their competence and authority are eliminated.
If The World is Diverse, Why Aren’t Organizations And Decision Making Bodies Too? Paid Members Public
More gender diversity in corporate leadership does not automatically translate into more profits, but when a company commits to diverse leadership, it starts to become more successful and the benefits will show.
How To Create Community And Generate Engagement: A Shared Adventure Paid Members Public
With a strong MTP: “Make our voices an exponential network.” We added nearly 30 companies and more than 1000 connected people who joined our cause. We managed to help 4 Latin-American NGOs, mentored them and helped them find their purpose, and became stronger and better prepared for the future.