
ExO Hits of the Week - 22 July 2022 Members Public

In this week’s ExO ‘Hits of the Week,’ here is what our community is reading: The 2,000-foot bridge was constructed without a single drawing The metaverse: Where we are and where we’re headed

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain

12 Ways Quantum Computing Can Radically Change The World! Members Public

Quantum computers will disrupt each industry. It will change the manner in which we work together and the security we have set up to protect information, how we battle ailment and design new materials, and tackle wellbeing and atmosphere issues.

Professor(Dr) Sanjay Rout
Quantum Computing

Accelerating The Journey Into The Brain Members Public

They send and detect signals a million times smaller than those controlling your smartphone. AI software filters millions of seemingly random strains of neural chatter to discern chords of neural activity.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

Unlocking Abundance: The Treasure Island Members Public

Even having our feet well grounded on Earth, our minds can reach imagery and unexplored islands, full of hidden treasures that even Captain Flint couldn't ever imagine to exist. And probability Moon and Mars are the moonshots to unfold this shining gold.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni