SDG Sustainable Development Goals

Mass Collaboration For Global Entrepreneurship Week Members Public

Sign up to be a Community Organizer for Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) November 14th-20th and celebrate the entrepreneurs in your city while tapping into a global movement. Everything is more prominent on the international stage, which means we need you too!

Steven A. Rodriguez
Steven A. Rodriguez

Exponential Ventures For Global Problems Members Public

It is easy to conclude that we live in a bittersweet world; on the one hand, we have fewer global tragedies, but on the other hand, we are destroying the planet with our actions, to the extent that there are already companies that are thinking about how to establish life on another planet.

SDG Sustainable Development Goals

HackX: What's New in Entrepreneurship for Global Problem Solving Members Public

HackX is a system that seeks to return to that nature where curiosity and discomfort with the status quo are sought to solve in ten years through collaboration, with the Sustainable Development Goals.

A Perspective to Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls (UN SDG5) with Bonisha Maitra

A Perspective to Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls (UN SDG5) with Bonisha Maitra Members Public

One main thing that nobody really talks about is how diverse the entire space is. Let's say you like art, go create NFTs. Let’s say you like hacking, you can be a developer. It's genuinely like a whole universe of opportunity and it's not biased.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei

Build Your Ecosystem With a 30-Doubling Challenge - Interview With Niki Faldemolaei Members Public

"This was definitely successful, but it was just the beta. The first time you do something, you don't build an entire automated software. So we started with the basics."

Stacey Murphy
Stacey Murphy
ExO Economy

Manifesting in the Metaverse; A Universe of Possibility Members Public

We have over 20 industries in the throes of disruption, and I believe that youth and the young-minded have the creative ability to carve the roadmap to the evolution of our civilization.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei