
Exploring the ExO Revolution with AI-x ExO Chat Bot Members Public

AI-x ExO Bot offers valuable insights into the ExO framework and, with advanced natural language processing, enhances personalized support and resources for the ExO community. Join the ExO journey towards exponential growth and transform the future of business.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Exponential Organizations

Why Teaching Exponential Mindset is a Must to Thrive in The 21st Century Members Public

Universities are struggling with accreditation: once a program or course is approved, then only minor changes are possible. To include major shifts, the painful process must be re-done.

Peter Kristof PhD
Peter Kristof PhD
ExO Sprint

Redefining Community: New Definitions for the Modern World Members Public

Learn how the concept of community has evolved in the digital age and why it matters for businesses. Discover the new definition of community according to OpenExO and how it can help you build a more diverse and engaged network of stakeholders.

Sasha Sadovnikova
Sasha Sadovnikova
Community & Crowd

Gamification Lessons Learned From the OpenExO Community Game Members Public

The gamification experience was designed to engage players using the Octalysis framework and has yielded valuable community-generated content and lessons learned.

Fabrizio Gramuglio Sasha Sadovnikova

Emerging Exponential Reality Of Strategy Members Public

There's a shift from the traditional, rigid and hierarchical approach to strategy design, deployment, execution, and governance to a more flexible, collaborative, and agile approach. Shift gears to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today's fast-paced business environment.

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal

Understanding and Leveraging the Underground Innovation Members Public

The WHY and HOWs of "Getting to Know," and being "Able to Harvest" the UNDERGROUND INNOVATION happening in your organization

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal

OpenExO Blog: Stay Up-to-date With Roadmap, Features, etc. Members Public

You can stay up-to-date with our latest progress by checking out our "living" blog format.

ExO Insight
ExO Insight

90-Day CEO Plan: Insights from an Exponential Community Members Public

OpenExO is a community with currently +17K exponential thought leaders. The place where innovation coaches, disruption specialists, startup founders, and tech industry gurus gather will help each other to transform the world for a better future.

Mike Sainz
Mike Sainz
Business Innovation