OpenExO Community
Books by ExO Insight Authors Paid Members Public
Dive into a wealth of wisdom in ExO Insight with over 450+ community-generated articles. A big thanks to our 85+ thought leaders. Explore our list of published authors — click to unlock inspiration and knowledge!
The Agency of Purpose: Catalyst of Cultural Transformation Paid Members Public
The Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2023 report reveals that a significant majority of the global workforce feels disconnected from their jobs, highlighting the urgency for organizations to address this issue or risk losing top talent to more purpose-driven companies.
Forbes asks: Why is Productivity Down When Innovation is Way Up—And What Do We Do About it? Paid Members Public
The "Exponential Paradox," where rapid technological advancements are transforming industries, yet economic productivity lags due to insufficient investment in innovation infrastructure, emphasizes how the ExO Community provides the tools, talent, and resources to bridge this gap and drive growth.