Purpose or Principles? Members Public

But what I am now considering is the MTP´s, the Massive Transformative Purposes could be even more effective if formulated not as a final state or utopia, (the transformation you would like to participate in) but as a principle to base all decisions on.


Why Companies Should Start to Think About Building and Leveraging Communities Members Public

Organizations that are striving to scale and generate high impact must start to leverage and build communities around their cause. If you want to scale and generate higher impact, ask yourself and reflect on the following questions ...

Simon Nopp
Simon Nopp

The Leadership Mindset Of The 21st Century Members Public

The result of purpose-driven leadership is unleashed creativity, enhanced collaboration, and engagement, as well as courage for experimentation. A purpose-driven mindset is about understanding that we humans like to do meaningful tasks.

Simon Nopp
Simon Nopp

Manifesting in the Metaverse; A Universe of Possibility Members Public

We have over 20 industries in the throes of disruption, and I believe that youth and the young-minded have the creative ability to carve the roadmap to the evolution of our civilization.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei

The (un)clear Linkage Between Purpose, Profit Maximisation, And Solving Global Challenges Members Public

“Can companies generate more profit by using their money to solve social or environmental issues?” Recent studies show that purpose-driven companies outperform their competitors significantly. Employees are more than twice as productive in purpose-driven companies.

Simon Nopp
Simon Nopp

ExO Attributes: The 11 Key Elements to Build an Exponential Organization Members Public

Not all ExOs implement the eleven attributes, but there is an ExO formula (MTP + IDEAS + SCALE) that provide us with three groups of ExO Attributes that always have to be implemented, so at least we have to pick one or more ExO Attributes of each of the three groups of the ExO formula.

ExO Insight
ExO Insight
Exponential Organizations

What Did Steve Jobs, George Harrison and Gandhi Have in Common? Members Public

It is ultimately our shared values, our respect for one another, the stories we tell, and our ability to listen to the voice of our own intuition, however, that will truly transform our world — inside and out.

Frank Fitzpatrick
Frank Fitzpatrick

Brain, Grit, & Rock’n’Roll: My 10 Top Tips To Become The Exponential Winner Of Your Life Members Public

“You spend most of the time in your MIND. Make it a NICE place to be.” Meditate to control your thoughts to transform them into effective actions while reading and using words to enrich your thoughts.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni
Women & Leadership