Tips for Gaining a Competitive Business Advantage Using the ExO Model Members Public

The ExO model is a purpose-driven business framework that leverages a set of organizational Attributes (and technologies) to help the business grow up to ten times faster than its competitors.

Jeia Black
Jeia Black
ExO Model

The Threat of Rain? Members Public

Purposeful vision is useless if the management team believes the future is predictable and that technology will advance in some sort of linear and orthodox manner.

Colin Iles
Colin Iles

The Case For Purpose Members Public

Purpose can unleash employee potential—helping you win the war for talent, retain your best people, and boost employee motivation.

Duane Fernandes
Duane Fernandes

The Global Responsibility of Exponential Organizations Members Public

The technological advances that have been developed as a result of this Fourth Industrial Revolution present a window of opportunity for states and international organizations to address global problems in a much more effective and coordinated manner.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

It's Important to Remember That a Platform is a Business Model Members Public

Starting small and moving fast using your community for insights, ideation, and product adoption truly help to test and pivot your own platform business and help to match the pivot of your customers.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Exponential Organizations

Breakthrough Data: Applying the ExO Model = 40X Better Business Performance Members Public

Our recent research shows that if you as a large organization, are driven by a Massive Transformative Purpose, and implement at least four out of the 10 exponential organization attributes (SCALE, IDEAS), you can achieve radically superior organizational performance compared to your peers.

Lisa Pereira
Lisa Pereira
EXQ Exponential Quotient

People Capabilities – What Do Exponential Organizations Do Differently? Members Public

Exponential Organizations don’t succeed by chance but by choice. And one of the critical choices they make and execute is to DISCOVER AND ALIGN their people’s energy and skills to the business priorities to stay ahead of the curve.

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal
Exponential Organizations

Massive Transformative Purpose — The Heartbeat of Every ExO Members Public

An MTP is a new paradigm bigger than just a mission statement. It’s a highly aspirational tagline that tries to solve a global issue.

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail