Where Do We Start? Step 1 in The Purpose Journey Members Public

The best leaders use empathy to connect with employees and seek to learn where and how the personal sense of meaning that employees bring to work overlaps with the company’s purpose.

Duane Fernandes
Duane Fernandes

Raising Funding Is Easy (If You're A Purpose-Driven Organization) Members Public

With capital now more available than ever, large organizations should take notice of the exponential potential of startups.

Colin Iles
Colin Iles

Is the Fear of Making Mistakes Getting in the Way of Your #Mindset Change? Members Public

Is the fear of making mistakes getting in the way of your #mindset change? Getting rid of fears is a key part of transformation projects. Here is a simple model anyone can introduce in their teams to begin offloading fears of making mistakes.

Lars Lin
Lars Lin

Attracting and Enabling Innovation Members Public

Exploration is essential for innovation. Offering this option will attract those who are endlessly curious and life-long learners. These people are true innovators that ultimately have the potential to drastically change your company and, likely, the entire world.

Kelsey Driscoll
Kelsey Driscoll

The Innovation Cycle: 4 Ways to Maintain Momentum Members Public

Keeping an air of innovation and inspiration alive in the workplace can be a difficult task, but there are ways for leaders to keep the momentum going once the spark has been lit.

Vanessa Belmonte
Vanessa Belmonte

Festival of Consciousness | The Abundance Dome Members Public

Two days of talks, workshops, and activities centered around conscious business, conscious living, family, and more. Xavier Ginesta asked if it would be possible to put together an event that is completely collaborative and not-for-profit centered around consciousness?

Kevin Allen
Kevin Allen

Paradigm Shifts of Purpose Members Public

Organizations that orient around Purpose have found a way to break free (at least psychologically) from the systemic short-termism around them. Instead, they define their purpose and measure impact on that purpose.

Duane Fernandes
Duane Fernandes

Sustainability and Exponential Organizations Members Public

The relationship between sustainability and exponential technologies is a recent field of study, revealing a potential impact in facilitating value co-generation and value delivery not only for the market but for society at large.

Francesco Derchi
Francesco Derchi