Report: The Future of Insurance Reimagined Members Public

The global insurance industry is facing an inflection point. It needs to be Reimagined

Chander Nagpal Lance Peppler
Future of Business

The Agency of Purpose: Catalyst of Cultural Transformation Members Public

The Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2023 report reveals that a significant majority of the global workforce feels disconnected from their jobs, highlighting the urgency for organizations to address this issue or risk losing top talent to more purpose-driven companies.

Luca Leonardini
Luca Leonardini

The Importance of a Chief Exponential Officer (CExO) in Every Organization Members Public

A CExO can bridge the organization and external entities, fostering strategic collaborations and alliances.

Kevin Allen
Kevin Allen
Exponential Organizations
Man holding incandescent bulb

Managing an Open Innovation Culture: Autonomy, Capability, and Value Members Public

Unleash the Power of Innovation: Learn how to ride the tech wave, disrupt markets, and cultivate a culture of engagement and autonomy for 10X growth. Access new ideas and perspectives from outside the organization, manage the flow of innovation, speed up and reduce the cost of the process.🚀Read Now!

Derrek Luke
Derrek Luke
Exponential Technologies

Driving 10x Growth and Impact: Insights from Exponential Organizations 2.0 Members Public

Discovering the Transformative Power of ExO 2.0 - Dive into the ultimate guide for building exponential organizations, equipped with new case studies and innovative tools, to drive growth and impact in today's dynamic world of exponential innovation.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Exponential Organizations

Insights From The Success And Failure Stories of The Top100 Exponential Organizations Members Public

The Top100 Exponential Organizations were identified in 2015. It was asserted that these will deliver higher levels of resilience and impact. So, how have these Top100 Exponential Organizations performed over the years? Have they created Value or Otherwise?

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal
Exponential Organizations

Survive OR Thrive : It's Time to Reinvent Your Organization Members Public

Organizations that embrace reinvention grow and are successful. The topline growth and declines for some of the large global organizations between 2011-2021 proves that being exponential is not only necessary but an imperative.

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal
Exponential Organizations

Does ChatGPT Help To Codify Your Purpose? Members Public

The whole point of codifying individual purpose is the willingness to challenge assumptions and beliefs and never lose focus during the process.

Luca Leonardini
Luca Leonardini