
Five Rules From Elon Musk to Get Important Things Done Paid Members Public
What happens is magical because this is where the efficiencies come. It starts to look like magic because everybody doesn't even understand why you're able to go so fast and do so much.

Current Leadership Models Are Failing Leaders Paid Members Public
According to the research, the majority of the leadership narratives are still about‚ why‘ rather than, how’ to do such transformations.

Addressing The Adaptability Gap in Organizations Paid Members Public
The results showed that exponentially minded respondents’ average adaptability levels were higher than the global average norm established in the study across the four dimensions and the overall score.

The ExO Sprint and Interproteccion: a conversation with Paqui Casanueva Paid Members Public
To change the culture where you launch a completely new product from scratch in 72 hours and have massive signup means it has to have a massive impact. Every person in the organization operates in a very agile, nimble way and responds very quickly.

How Often do Organizations Need to Reinvent Themselves? Paid Members Public
Innovation happens when strong leaders shine a light down a new path and enable their teams – equipped with the right tools, support, and confidence – to traverse, define, and improve it.
ExO Sprint for Global 5000 Companies Paid Members Public
The fundamental problem you have to solve is what I call the “immune system problem” in any traditional organization—where it's architected for scarcity, for efficiency, for predictability.