
ExO Builder: Innovate Better. Venture Better. Paid Members Public
The ExO Builder is a global ecosystem formed by autonomous cells that might work independently or rely on one another, depending on the specific circumstances. ExO Builder ecosystem is about tangible results, impact, and social mobility.

Striving For Greatness: Leadership Theories Explain Why Paid Members Public
An innovative approach to leadership from Brian Tracy will follow to unlock those top qualities and behaviors necessary to evolve a good leader into a great one!

Leadership: A Born Talent Or A Learned Set Of Skills? Paid Members Public
It is also true that just possessing some of these traits does not automatically make a leader; indeed, situational variables would allow leadership skills to appear when the right opportunity emerges.

Where Will Civilizational Leadership Come From In An Exponential Age? Paid Members Public
The world is facing unprecedented pressures from the climate crisis, technological change, inequality, healthcare, education, infrastructure. A new form of leadership is needed individually, with organizations and civilizationally.
Founder as Leader. Liability or Legend? Paid Members Public
Regardless of your legendary status as founder, CEO, CTO, head of product, or CMO, how you lead people has the greatest impact on the whole business.

Leadership 4.0: A Game With No “Checkmate” Paid Members Public
"Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals."

Conventional Solutions Have Shown Their Limits. It’s Time for a New Form of Entrepreneurship. Paid Members Public
We need people who can develop innovative solutions and then get others to embrace those solutions. Why? Because, as we’ve seen, traditional solutions to the world’s biggest problems are failing.

The 5 W's of Participatory Budgeting: Transforming Leadership & Governance By Engaging The People Paid Members Public
Participatory budgeting is first a mindset shift - being open to seeing value & opportunities; balancing a commitment to ‘transformative’ methodologies and while not losing sight of what makes your organization successful; becoming ‘unfixed’ in traditional approaches.