Global Grand Challenges

Who Shapes the Future? Observing Where the World Meets Today Members Public

While traditional centralized models like the UN Summit of the Future offer stability but struggle with agility, the decentralized approach of initiatives like the Network School illustrates how digital-driven communities can swiftly respond to global challenges and shape a new future in real-time.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz
Global Governance

Kids That Read, Eat Members Public

In the heart-wrenching moment at a gas station, a truth emerges: as a society, our acceptance of educational disparity perpetuates a cycle of poverty. In the age of information, technology, & collective responsibility, we have the power to transform lives through accessible education for all.


Unlock Your Impact: AI-Powered Solutions for Global Challenges Members Public

Discover how your skillsets can drive positive change – from developing efficient renewable energy solutions to addressing global healthcare challenges – and share on LinkedIn to connect with potential collaborators passionate about shaping a better future through AI innovation.

Priya Bains
Priya Bains
Artificial Intelligence

Goal Getters: Grassroots Solutions to World's Biggest Challenges Members Public

In 2015, the United Nations set forth the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the ambitious aim of eradicating global challenges by 2030, but as we approach the deadline, it's clear that we're falling behind.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz
SDG Sustainable Development Goals

Unlocking the Power of AI: How ChatGPT Can Revolutionize the Fight Against Food Waste Members Public

The statistics are alarming, with food waste being responsible for a larger greenhouse emissions footprint than major industries such as the airline industry, plastics production, and oil extraction.

Lisa Pereira
Lisa Pereira
SDG Sustainable Development Goals

Tenacity of Technology, Audacity of Humanity - My Reflections from WEF 2023 Members Public

At the World Economic Forum held recently at Davos, the theme was Cooperation in a Fragmented World. As we enter a new era of accelerated poly-crisis, I took away six key thread which I believe will define the future for the business, economy and humanity.

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal
Exponential Technologies

6 Ways to Live Your Best Life & Better the World Members Public

It is a tough journey; it takes work, discipline, and shifting your mindset and behavior. It may involve overcoming the ego and limiting beliefs, and it certainly involves shifting your physical & mental immune system and reframing how you show up in the world.

Angela Faye
Angela Faye

Gaining Health to Your Years: Science Tells You How to Live Longer And Healthier Members Public

The entire healthcare system is undergoing a transformative process where interdisciplinary teams merge to meet clinical needs with a patient-centric and outcome-based approach.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni