Global Awareness

Global Shifts in Power: New Places, New Faces Members Public

Distributed power across the world, driven by digitally-enabled youth creating economic opportunities, maybe the antidote the world needs to its current conflicts and crises.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz
Global Awareness

Friends or Foes: Who Do You Lead With? Members Public

The Chinese Consul General's remark about children returning to China without making an Australian friend underscored a deeper issue of missed opportunities for cultural integration and mutual understanding.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz

Global Advantage: 10 Reasons to Adopt a Multi-Country Viewpoint Members Public

Expanding perspective globally offers enhanced risk management, diversification, autonomy, immediate action, global access, independence from networks, resource efficiency, personal advantage, competitive edge, and improved connectivity.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz

A Winner's Worldview: Who's Going for Gold in 2024? Members Public

Success is often driven by a clear, external ambition. Athletes' Mindset Holds the Key to Business Triumphs. Discover the Winning Principles that Propel Athletes to Gold and Apply Them to Your Business.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz