
Exponential Technologies in a Nutshell Members Public

Our professional future contains challenges due to uncertainty and increasing volatility in the Digitalization era. It attributes rapid changes to Exponential Technologies, emphasizing faster adoption, universal digitalization, and reduced costs as performance doubles over time.

Miguel Angel Rojas
Miguel Angel Rojas
Exponential Technologies

I GPT-4’d With Abraham Lincoln. He Has a Solid Twitter Game Members Public

Steve Jobs wanted to talk with Aristotle. GPT-4 shows a path to a near future when we will be able to converse with history's pivotal figures.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

How to Become an ExO Scientist: Realism or Futurism? Members Public

Interconnection, information transparency, technical assistance and, decentralized decisions are just the starting points of a transformative process initiated by Industry 4.0.  Advanced technologies and humans will support each other to foster disruptive innovation; the era of digital science is ahead of us, a generator of exponential growth and development.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni