Exponential Technologies

Big Problems That Are Ripe For Startups To Solve Members Public

If you want to make a billion dollars, figure out how to help a billion people. Even in the middle of the greatest pandemic in 100 years, global venture funding is smashing previous records, including $288B invested in the first six months of 2021.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

Zero Hunger: The Big AgTech Opportunity Members Public

People experiencing moderate food insecurity often cannot eat a healthy, balanced diet due to income or other resource constraints. If these trends continue, an estimated 840 million people will be hungry by 2030.

SDG Sustainable Development Goals

Exponential Organizations: ExOs that Failed and What We Have Learned Members Public

One of the key characteristics of any founder is persistence and ability to avoid many of the obstacles ahead by remaining faithful to its massive transformative purpose.

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail
Exponential Organizations
Collage of photos of a passport, a student's report card, and a driver's license

IOHK’s Cardano Blockchain to Bolster Ethiopian Students’ Identities Members Public

Identity is a pressing global challenge. The World Bank estimated that 1 billion people do not have any official proof of identity. Even in developed countries, your identity is often based on perishable paper artifacts like birth certificates.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher