Exponential Health

Exponential Medicine: The Longevity Industry 2.0 Members Public

Contrary to the expectations of a world free of mortality, the goal of the longevity industry is to predict diseases while giving hope for a world without age-related diseases.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Gaining Health to Your Years: Science Tells You How to Live Longer And Healthier Members Public

The entire healthcare system is undergoing a transformative process where interdisciplinary teams merge to meet clinical needs with a patient-centric and outcome-based approach.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Is Your Biological Clock Your Age? Members Public

Aging can hardly be differentiated from longevity because the rate of aging can influence lifespan, although researchers debate on the fact that lifespan and longevity are two processes that occur independently of aging and healthspan.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni
Sound health, music, hearables, wearables

Welcome to the Amplified Future: A Musical Wonderland For Technology, Health, And Human Potential Members Public

You are entering a world in which millions of people will benefit from precision and personalized medicine; new populations will have affordable access to quality health resources, and health science research will move from the lab to the wild—using real-time biometric tracking on the individual.

Frank Fitzpatrick
Frank Fitzpatrick

Book Review: Amplified Transformation Through Music Members Public

The latest book by award-winning songwriter and producer, Frank Fitzpatrick, is a tour de force of the immense power of music and sound to transform lives.

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain