
A Robotics Startup’s Manufacturing Design Win Journey Paid Members Public
There are 370,000 manufacturing companies in the United States today. That is more manufacturing companies in the US alone than Apple employees globally.
Support Systems and The Entrepreneur Paid Members Public
Being an entrepreneur can be an isolating experience, with feelings of misunderstanding or alienation. But it doesn't have to be. Taking risks and disrupting the status quo is something everyone should do in business, but you have to make sure you have others along for the ride.
I'm in Venture Capital. What Should I Look For? Paid Members Public
Venture capital indeed fills a gap in finance because, when you have a company with great potential that requires a large amount of money to grow, banks primarily lend money based on actual financial data and not on possibility.
Mythological Unicorns or Real Zebras? Paid Members Public
Zebras are the beginning of a new business world that places financial wealth on the same level as natural, human, and social wealth; a world that cares for all stakeholders, including nature, by moving away from material consumption and closer to wealth generated through holistic human well-being.
Work as Necessary as Rest Paid Members Public
Achieving balance involves challenging the beliefs you have lived by, especially the "have to" (be available, be present, multiply, etc.). When the "have to" becomes present in your life, you begin to live according to the agenda of others, not your own.

Entrepreneurial Success Takes More Than Just Dreaming About Your Big Idea Paid Members Public
At the end of the day, achieving your dreams takes all three of these things. It requires big dreams, preparation, and doing it. If you can do all of that, though, you’ll be able to impact the world in the way you’ve always dreamed of—and in the way that I know you are more than capable of.
Entrepreneurial Instructor: How to Become One? Paid Members Public
When you embrace the role of trainer, it builds loyalty, drives your team's development, and drives superior business performance. Teaching is not simply an "extra" for good managers but an integral responsibility. If you don't teach, you don't lead.
Corporate Startups: Boosting Startups & Fostering Innovation Paid Members Public
Although the details of the alliances between companies and startups vary, the concepts remain the same: companies benefit from the organizational agility of startups, while startups gain access to a wider network and possibly to the financial capital held by large companies and multinationals.