
A Different Perspective on The ExO Attributes Members Public

What if we conceive the SCALE attributes as our organizational sensors because we want them to detect something we want them to detect? And the IDEAS attributes are ‘layers’ in organizations that help us make sense of what we are sensing.

Paul Epping
Paul Epping
Business Models

Build Your Ecosystem With a 30-Doubling Challenge - Interview With Niki Faldemolaei Members Public

"This was definitely successful, but it was just the beta. The first time you do something, you don't build an entire automated software. So we started with the basics."

Stacey Murphy
Stacey Murphy
ExO Economy

How To Create Community And Generate Engagement: A Shared Adventure Members Public

With a strong MTP: “Make our voices an exponential network.” We added nearly 30 companies and more than 1000 connected people who joined our cause. We managed to help 4 Latin-American NGOs, mentored them and helped them find their purpose, and became stronger and better prepared for the future.

Karina Besprosvan
Karina Besprosvan
Women & Leadership

Why Companies Should Start to Think About Building and Leveraging Communities Members Public

Organizations that are striving to scale and generate high impact must start to leverage and build communities around their cause. If you want to scale and generate higher impact, ask yourself and reflect on the following questions ...

Simon Nopp
Simon Nopp

ExO Attributes: The 11 Key Elements to Build an Exponential Organization Members Public

Not all ExOs implement the eleven attributes, but there is an ExO formula (MTP + IDEAS + SCALE) that provide us with three groups of ExO Attributes that always have to be implemented, so at least we have to pick one or more ExO Attributes of each of the three groups of the ExO formula.

ExO Insight
ExO Insight
Exponential Organizations
Sound health, music, hearables, wearables

Welcome to the Amplified Future: A Musical Wonderland For Technology, Health, And Human Potential Members Public

You are entering a world in which millions of people will benefit from precision and personalized medicine; new populations will have affordable access to quality health resources, and health science research will move from the lab to the wild—using real-time biometric tracking on the individual.

Frank Fitzpatrick
Frank Fitzpatrick

Small Businesses Can Embrace Abundance And Exponential Members Public

The World Bank estimates that 90% of businesses globally are considered SME’s and contribute to 50% of employment. Here are tools that can help SMEs survive and thrive in the future.

Kevin Allen
Kevin Allen
Exponential Organizations

We are Updating the Global Best Seller Exponential Organizations in the best way possible; exponentially! Members Public

Salim, his co-authors, and a group of close advisers created the first edition. This time, we are doing it together and we are doing it publicly. Our community now has over 80 volunteers and changemakers curating portions of the book.

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail