Disruptive Technologies & Innovation - Don't Get Blindsided Paid Members Public
Disruptive Technologies are often Deceptive. Business leaders have always faced this Innovators' dilemma or conundrum. Whether, When, and How Much to invest in the "NEW."
The Beginning of the End of Our Stone Age Paid Members Public
Digital technologies keep changing faster, but we’re still the same humans, nestled in today’s context, thinking incrementally and not stressing our imagination muscles hard enough.
Tenacity of Technology, Audacity of Humanity - My Reflections from WEF 2023 Paid Members Public
At the World Economic Forum held recently at Davos, the theme was Cooperation in a Fragmented World. As we enter a new era of accelerated poly-crisis, I took away six key thread which I believe will define the future for the business, economy and humanity.
Seven Indications to Hire a Business Coach Paid Members Public
Companies are reaching out to experts, strategists, coaches, and consultants to restructure many parts of their core businesses and strategies. However, it can be tough to determine which kind to hire. Getting it right is vital to your budgets, staff morale and future profitability.
Don't Mistake Growth for Innovation Paid Members Public
While continuous improvement can lead to higher productivity and revenue growth—that doesn't prevent your company from being disrupted by business model innovation.
Transformation to a Circular Economy: By Applying Blockchain Technology Paid Members Public
Disruptive technologies also support the transition to a circular economy by radically increasing virtualization, de-materialization, transparency and feedback-driven intelligence. The shift requires innovative business models that either replace existing ones or seize new opportunities.
Mastering the Language of Startup Success - The Duolingo Way Paid Members Public
DUOLINGO, an educational technology firm established in 2012 in Pennsylvania (USA), and part of the Top100 ExOs (Exponential Organizations) list published in 2015 has grown leaps and bounds over the years demonstrating the value of exponential thinking and doing.