Digital Wellness

Digital Transformation in Health: An Opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean Members Public

Digital healthcare democratizes access to medical services, and as it continues to change the industry, more patients will benefit from a range of services that were previously out of reach.

Digital Wellness

Catalyzing Ethical AI in Global Healthcare: Principles, Challenges, and Pathways Forward Members Public

Explore the ethical principles and governance frameworks essential for responsible AI and digital health technology deployment in healthcare, with a particular emphasis on addressing emerging ethical challenges in low and middle-income countries and marginalized communities.

Michael Friebe, PhD
Michael Friebe, PhD
Future of Health

Work as Necessary as Rest Members Public

Achieving balance involves challenging the beliefs you have lived by, especially the "have to" (be available, be present, multiply, etc.). When the "have to" becomes present in your life, you begin to live according to the agenda of others, not your own.

Entrepreneurs & Intrapreneurs

Mental Prehabilitation Is Key For a Winning Mindset Members Public

It is an integral element of winning performance strategy, whether you're an athlete or an ExO entrepreneur. It is about being prepared and ready to move beyond the "familiar stress" of typical performance in order to achieve the lofty targets and moonshots you have set yourself.

Mark Butler
Mark Butler
Sound health, music, hearables, wearables

Welcome to the Amplified Future: A Musical Wonderland For Technology, Health, And Human Potential Members Public

You are entering a world in which millions of people will benefit from precision and personalized medicine; new populations will have affordable access to quality health resources, and health science research will move from the lab to the wild—using real-time biometric tracking on the individual.

Frank Fitzpatrick
Frank Fitzpatrick