Customer Service

L.O.V.E Your Customer Members Public

The final step in the L.O.V.E. framework is to Experiment and Evolve, where we prototype and test potential solutions, demonstrating a commitment to agility, flexibility, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

Customer Experience

5 Effective Outsourcing Solutions for Startups Members Public

Outsourcing your startup's non-core tasks to experts can be a strategic move to conserve resources and boost efficiency in a challenging business climate.

Daniel Groves
Daniel Groves

Embracing Disruption: The Key to Long-Term Success for Mid-Market Telecom Enterprises Members Public

Telecom businesses must embrace new strategies and technologies to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market. This involves adopting trends like 5G, IoT, and cloud computing, being proactive and agile, and considering customer-centric and innovative approaches for long-term success.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro

The Science of Building Companies: A Key Capabilities Comparison between Classical and Scientific Businesses Members Public

Companies must identify and develop key capabilities to remain competitive. Companies must stay ahead of the curve and develop key capabilities to succeed in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Edgar Valdés
Edgar Valdés
Data Science