
Neuroeconomics: the Science of Economic Research Members Public

While trying to understand the implications on behavior and well-being, neuroeconomics aims to define a computational and neurobiological framework that accounts for choice processes.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni

Young Voices; Social Impact via Blockchain, Web 3 & DeFi Members Public

"I think that if younger people have that opportunity to have their opinion heard, they'd be more inclined to solve some of these bigger problems, something that you don't think about when you are in your teenage years."

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei
ExO Economy

How to Operate in a New Web3 World Members Public

Web3 is a cultural movement, a whole new philosophy. It goes beyond coding and finance. It is a new world that enables creators and users to capture the value you create, and we need to understand what it means and how we should change our operational models.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Web 3

Build Your Ecosystem With a 30-Doubling Challenge - Interview With Niki Faldemolaei Members Public

"This was definitely successful, but it was just the beta. The first time you do something, you don't build an entire automated software. So we started with the basics."

Stacey Murphy
Stacey Murphy
ExO Economy

Digitize Your Physical Asset: From Idea to Implementation for Crypto-Friendly Accommodations Members Public

By representing physical assets as digital tokens on a distributed digital ledger or blockchain, it’s possible to unlock the value of real-world assets and exchange them in real-time.

Angela Faye
Angela Faye

Intelligent NFTs And Zero Marginal Cost Societies Members Public

Regular individuals will soon be able to create and own a character that resembles an actual human and authentically converses like the natural person... Instead, they are seemingly intelligent digital beings that autonomously hold their own discussions.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

We Live in an Age of Distributed Innovation Members Public

Tokens are allowing innovators to capture economic value in open ecosystems. Therefore, Web 3 is creating the incentive structures required to solve the world's biggest problems.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Web 3

Metaverse: The Disruption Of Our Physical And Digital World Members Public

Definitely, the metaverse is going to update the way we live and experience relationships and the environment around us becoming way more than a social platform and network.

Beatrice Barbazzeni
Beatrice Barbazzeni