
Image of the Code of Hammurabi's points on con men, next to a chart of the SQUID coin's value during a pump-and-dump

Age-Old Scams Thrive on The Crypto Frontier Members Public

Technology changes but people, not so much. Fraud may be the oldest and largest industry disrupted by cryptocurrency and its half-sibling, the non-fungible token (NFT).

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

Finding Flow and Freedom in a World That Has Gone M.A.D. Members Public

Evolution can not be stopped but can be shaped, and the question is: Are we collectively acting to shape it, or are we playing the role of a mere spectator?

Ann Boothello Eric Patel
Ann Boothello / Eric Patel
Nonlinear Thinking

How to Fix Civilization Members Public

Note how pervasive this is — every social structure, organization, institution, has its own immune system. Many of these are broken. Yet these are what our civilization is built on.

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail