Unlock the Power of Education with Artificial Intelligence Paid Members Public
Embracing AI in education unlocks its potential for accelerated learning, parental advocacy, efficient teaching, and preparing future generations. By using AI responsibly, we can create a brighter future for our children.
Unlocking the Power of AI: How ChatGPT Can Revolutionize the Fight Against Food Waste Paid Members Public
The statistics are alarming, with food waste being responsible for a larger greenhouse emissions footprint than major industries such as the airline industry, plastics production, and oil extraction.
Exploring the Dynamic World of Books: The Rise of Interactive AI-Enabled "Living Books" Paid Members Public
Step into a new era of reading with 'living books,' where artificial intelligence breathes life into traditional literature, allowing you to engage, explore, and personalize your reading experience like never before.
Exploring the ExO Revolution with AI-x ExO Chat Bot Paid Members Public
AI-x ExO Bot offers valuable insights into the ExO framework and, with advanced natural language processing, enhances personalized support and resources for the ExO community. Join the ExO journey towards exponential growth and transform the future of business.
I GPT-4’d With Abraham Lincoln. He Has a Solid Twitter Game Paid Members Public
Steve Jobs wanted to talk with Aristotle. GPT-4 shows a path to a near future when we will be able to converse with history's pivotal figures.
Part I: What Will Be The Exciting Career Paths Created By Chat GPT And AI? Paid Members Public
AI, including chat GPT, is creating new career paths and job opportunities such as virtual assistant development. It is important to embrace AI's potential benefits, and Part II will explore AI Content Creation, a new and exciting career path.
Tenacity of Technology, Audacity of Humanity - My Reflections from WEF 2023 Paid Members Public
At the World Economic Forum held recently at Davos, the theme was Cooperation in a Fragmented World. As we enter a new era of accelerated poly-crisis, I took away six key thread which I believe will define the future for the business, economy and humanity.
Does ChatGPT Help To Codify Your Purpose? Paid Members Public
The whole point of codifying individual purpose is the willingness to challenge assumptions and beliefs and never lose focus during the process.