Business Innovation

Canva: From Start-up To The Clues Behind Their Global Network And Future Exponential Success Members Public

Canva, online design startup, demonstrates the benefits of thinking and acting global and the value of building a strategic network early.

Sophie Krantz
Sophie Krantz
Case Study

DAO's Are Novel But Not New Members Public

Distributed Autonomous Organizations are cooperatives that have been cryptomonetized. Everything else that a DAO does has been done for at least two hundred years.

Kent Langley
Kent Langley

Five Rules From Elon Musk to Get Important Things Done Members Public

What happens is magical because this is where the efficiencies come. It starts to look like magic because everybody doesn't even understand why you're able to go so fast and do so much.

Kent Langley
Kent Langley
Business Innovation

Why Renewed Focus on Customer Needs Is Key to Economic Recovery Members Public

Disruptions change our world, reshape societies and radically shift what customers need and are willing to pay for.

Jaroslav Dokoupil
Jaroslav Dokoupil
Exponential Organizations

The 2021 ExO Transformation Awards Members Public

This event is a glimpse into what the OpenExO Community has created and built towards transforming the world for a better future; our massive transformative purpose.

Lisa Pereira
Lisa Pereira

The Automotive Industry is Going ExO to Save its Future Members Public

Making your company smaller and leaner, able to take risks and test boundaries is a core ExO principle. It is essential when the pace of change in your industry is approaching break neck speeds. And this is happening in many industries today.

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail
Exponential Organizations

Is Your Company Fighting Innovation? Members Public

Like the body, organizations have immune systems too. The immune system of an organization naturally rises out of systems, procedures, and employee mindsets working its utmost best to stay in the comfort zone of past successes and keep the system running smoothly by the status quo.

Salim Ismail
Salim Ismail