Business Innovation

Tech Entrepreneurship that Changes the World Members Public

The changes are impacting the transformation of the traditional economy to one that is increasingly dependent on intellectual capital and individual skills, thanks to the rapid expansion of knowledge and the growing reliance on computerization, big data analytics, and automation.


Drive Profit and Innovation with "Where to Play" Members Public

We are experiencing the convergence of disruptive technologies driven by the exponential drop in price/performance of compute power (Moore's Law) and a host of complementary technologies.

Ann Ralston
Ann Ralston
Entrepreneurs & Intrapreneurs

Creativity & Innovation: Eight Attributes Essential To An Innovative Culture Members Public

For innovation to become part of the company's culture, everyone must work to make it happen. Innovative attitudes must guide every decision made daily so that innovation itself becomes a fundamental part of the organization.


Entrepreneurship, Complexity, and Data Science: Part II Members Public

The mathematical study of business models, especially orchestrators, can lead us to know the answer to questions still foreign to us today. How does a business model die? Is there a scale on which it is impossible to maintain the scale of the model? Why are they so difficult to reproduce?

Edgar Valdés
Edgar Valdés

Five Steps To See Your Business Future Members Public

Companies routinely look for data in the mold of the past, tracing the usual set of competitors, customers, threats, and opportunities. It’s nicely structured, but wrong.

Jonathan Brill
Jonathan Brill

The Only Option for New Business Development Members Public

Three factors characterize Venture Studios: they are versatile and adapt to the circumstances; they reduce the risk of their projects because they have teams with experience, and they are flexible and have the capacity to develop a company, public relations, marketing, funding, etc.

Ian Morales Burgos
Ian Morales Burgos

Here Comes The Wave!! How to Surf The Wave to Take Your Project to The Path of Exponential Growth Members Public

There are different moments for each technology and each business, in addition, the fact that the precise timing is so crucial, just like when a surfer is about to catch the wave if he gets up earlier or later, he may fall and not catch it.

Alfredo Galvan Macias
Alfredo Galvan Macias
Business Innovation

This is Not Science ...But it is Based On it: Trust And Collaboration As The Basis For Building a Better Ecosystem Members Public

Entrepreneurship connects us with our most vulnerable parts: it requires us to know ourselves, to connect with our interior, to trust, and to risk completely.
