Business Innovation
90-Day CEO Plan: Insights from an Exponential Community Paid Members Public
OpenExO is a community with currently +17K exponential thought leaders. The place where innovation coaches, disruption specialists, startup founders, and tech industry gurus gather will help each other to transform the world for a better future.
Flipping the Conventions towards Success - The Flipkart Journey Paid Members Public
Flipkart, an Indian e-Commerce platform, and one of the Top100 ExOs (Exponential Organizations) has witnessed a massive degree of growth and advancement over the last 15 years. What enabled this? Read on.
The Best Age Not to Fail Paid Members Public
Elon Musk said that in ventures, there are times when it is better to stop when there is something wrong. That is what failures do: generate a pause to analyze what you are doing and consider whether you need to make changes, continue as you are going, or give up.
The GoPro Rollercoaster -The Rise, The Fall, and a Resurgence! Paid Members Public
Once a role model of entrepreneurship, GoPro hasn't had a perfect picture over the last few years. The rise and fall and the resurgence being attempted teach us invaluable lessons of resilience.
ALEC and Steps to Reinvent Itself Through an ExO Sprint Paid Members Public
ALEC had received numerous awards for excellence, quality, safety, reliability, and sustainability. It was consistently ranked among the leading contractors. To remain competitive and to continue delivering extraordinary value to its customers; it would need to start the reinvention process today.
Transformation to a Circular Economy: By Applying Blockchain Technology Paid Members Public
Disruptive technologies also support the transition to a circular economy by radically increasing virtualization, de-materialization, transparency and feedback-driven intelligence. The shift requires innovative business models that either replace existing ones or seize new opportunities.
Innovation and the Corporate Immune System Paid Members Public
In this era of disruptive innovation, especially if we consider that since 2000, 52% of the Fortune 500 companies have gone bankrupt, were sold or simply ceased to exist due to digital disruption and, according to Harvard Business Review, 75% of Standard & Poor's companies will be replaced by 2027.