Business Innovation

Leadership in Exponential Organizations Members Public

Leadership's crucial in modern business, especially in exponential organizations where innovation thrives. It empowers teams, distinct from management, steering toward shared visions.

Mike Sainz
Mike Sainz
Exponential Organizations

The Exoskeleton Revolution: How Wearable Robotics Will Transform Industry and Society Members Public

From Enhanced Workforce Efficiency to Medical Breakthroughs: Exploring the Exoskeleton Revolution's Wide-Ranging Impact on Industries and Society.

Professor(Dr) Sanjay Rout

Three Powerful Lessons Every Business Owner Can Learn from the Movie 'Air' Members Public

How did Michael Jordan's belief, rule-breaking, and game-changing partnership with Nike turn a basketball shoe into a global phenomenon, and what uncomfortable risks are you willing to take to create value beyond your imagination?

Angela Faye
Angela Faye

Leadership Qualities for EXO Organizations: Pioneering the Future with Vision and Agility Members Public

Explore the concept of future-based leadership. Learn how visionary leaders who practice deep listening, open-minded observation, empathic sensing, connecting, collaborating, and co-creating can guide their organizations to success in an ever-evolving business environment.

Exponential Organizations

The Mechanics of Exponential Growth in Business: Unleashing the Power of Exponential Organizations Members Public

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, exponential growth is the key to success. Explore the mechanics of business growth, and attributes of exponential organizations, and gain insights on implementing these strategies to revolutionize industries and achieve lasting success.

Mike Sainz
Mike Sainz
Exponential Organizations

Why Teaching Exponential Mindset is a Must to Thrive in The 21st Century Members Public

Universities are struggling with accreditation: once a program or course is approved, then only minor changes are possible. To include major shifts, the painful process must be re-done.

Peter Kristof PhD
Peter Kristof PhD
ExO Sprint

Do You Know How IKEA Was INVENTED? Members Public

Discover how IKEA was invented. And ask yourself - what you can learn from its story. And, should you have to create a similar video for your organization - what would it look like?

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal
Business Innovation

The Beginning of the End of Our Stone Age Members Public

Digital technologies keep changing faster, but we’re still the same humans, nestled in today’s context, thinking incrementally and not stressing our imagination muscles hard enough.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher