Exploring the ExO Revolution with AI-x ExO Chat Bot Members Public

AI-x ExO Bot offers valuable insights into the ExO framework and, with advanced natural language processing, enhances personalized support and resources for the ExO community. Join the ExO journey towards exponential growth and transform the future of business.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro
Exponential Organizations

I GPT-4’d With Abraham Lincoln. He Has a Solid Twitter Game Members Public

Steve Jobs wanted to talk with Aristotle. GPT-4 shows a path to a near future when we will be able to converse with history's pivotal figures.

Peter Wicher
Peter Wicher

Part II: What will be the Exciting Career Paths created by Chat GPT and AI? Members Public

The emergence of large language models like GPT-3 has led to new career paths in AI, including AI Content Creation. This field combines creativity with AI technology and offers potential salaries of $60,000 to $120,000.

Edgar Valdés
Edgar Valdés

Siemens Energy Continues Their Exponential Journey with a Third Sprint Members Public

Siemens Energy III Sprint has begun with a team of 34 participants, 6 coaches, and a reporter. The sprint includes shadow coaches, big siblings, and an alumni Q&A session, providing a great opportunity for personal growth and learning, and OpenExO's new Exponential chatbot AI-x.

Ashley Pfaff
Ashley Pfaff
Siemens Energy

Part I: What Will Be The Exciting Career Paths Created By Chat GPT And AI? Members Public

AI, including chat GPT, is creating new career paths and job opportunities such as virtual assistant development. It is important to embrace AI's potential benefits, and Part II will explore AI Content Creation, a new and exciting career path.

Edgar Valdés
Edgar Valdés

How Much is Invested in Artificial Intelligence? Members Public

AI is becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives, and companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Alibaba, and SAP are investing heavily in it. Training large AI models can be very expensive. The cost, computing power, and resources are expected to rise.

Edgar Valdés
Edgar Valdés

Embracing Disruption: The Key to Long-Term Success for Mid-Market Telecom Enterprises Members Public

Telecom businesses must embrace new strategies and technologies to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market. This involves adopting trends like 5G, IoT, and cloud computing, being proactive and agile, and considering customer-centric and innovative approaches for long-term success.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro

Your Digital Transformation Copilot has Arrived; ExO Bot Members Public

Suppose you need help generating ideas for becoming an ExO around specific exponential technologies, planning for implementation, expanding on your conversations with your favorite ExO Coach, or so much more. In that case, you're in the right place.

Kent Langley
Kent Langley
Exponential Organizations