Are Technomorphic Worldviews Taking Over? Immersive Experiences, Our Next Reality? For Whom? Paid Members Public
A technological focus is fantastic, but the problems that we are facing are more systemic. Zooming out to a higher level to see the systemic connections is very much needed. It’s not about that technology can solve healthcare problems, but how it can be adopted at an affordable level.
SCALE: The Five Key Attributes Every Corporation Needs to Survive The Pandemic Paid Members Public
“Companies have been dying out over the last 12 months as a result of Covid-19. The effect, similar to an asteroid impacting the planet, has caused a rapid change in environments. “Covid-19 was like an asteroid hitting the planet,” argues Peter Diamandis, describing ExO organizations.
How Often do Organizations Need to Reinvent Themselves? Paid Members Public
Innovation happens when strong leaders shine a light down a new path and enable their teams – equipped with the right tools, support, and confidence – to traverse, define, and improve it.
The Rise of The Exponential Organization: 10X Better, Faster And Cheaper Paid Members Public
Exponential Organisations are directly linked to the exponential technology explosion that is taking place. This explosion relates to Moore’s law, the 6 Ds of technology disruption and convergence.