OpenExO Blog: Stay Up-to-date With Roadmap, Features, etc. Paid Members Public
You can stay up-to-date with our latest progress by checking out our "living" blog format.
Personal New Year's Resolutions Paid Members Public
One way to change the way our brain interprets the year is to focus on what we have been successful at as a starting point.

Tenacity of Technology, Audacity of Humanity - My Reflections from WEF 2023 Paid Members Public
At the World Economic Forum held recently at Davos, the theme was Cooperation in a Fragmented World. As we enter a new era of accelerated poly-crisis, I took away six key thread which I believe will define the future for the business, economy and humanity.

Mindsets to Thrive in 2023 Paid Members Public
This agility and ability to switch between mindsets are what will set you apart from everyone around you and enable you to thrive in any given condition.

Igniting Emaar's Exponential Potential Paid Members Public
OpenExO determined that real estate and construction would experience some of the biggest transitions over the next decade as the world grapples with a population of 10 billion, 3 billion additional households joining the middle classes, rapid urbanization, remote work, and the rise of metaverses.
Time to Evaluate Your Year Paid Members Public
Time is a precious resource. One-third of your life is spent at work and another third sleeping, so you want to save what's left of your precious moments. Analyze how you spent your time in 2022, and remember to give yourself some grace if the results are not exactly what you expected.

Insights From The Success And Failure Stories of The Top100 Exponential Organizations Paid Members Public
The Top100 Exponential Organizations were identified in 2015. It was asserted that these will deliver higher levels of resilience and impact. So, how have these Top100 Exponential Organizations performed over the years? Have they created Value or Otherwise?