Part I: What Will Be The Exciting Career Paths Created By Chat GPT And AI? Members Public

AI, including chat GPT, is creating new career paths and job opportunities such as virtual assistant development. It is important to embrace AI's potential benefits, and Part II will explore AI Content Creation, a new and exciting career path.

Edgar Valdés
Edgar Valdés

Emerging Exponential Reality Of Strategy Members Public

There's a shift from the traditional, rigid and hierarchical approach to strategy design, deployment, execution, and governance to a more flexible, collaborative, and agile approach. Shift gears to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today's fast-paced business environment.

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal

How Much is Invested in Artificial Intelligence? Members Public

AI is becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives, and companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Alibaba, and SAP are investing heavily in it. Training large AI models can be very expensive. The cost, computing power, and resources are expected to rise.

Edgar Valdés
Edgar Valdés

Understanding and Leveraging the Underground Innovation Members Public

The WHY and HOWs of "Getting to Know," and being "Able to Harvest" the UNDERGROUND INNOVATION happening in your organization

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal

Embracing Disruption: The Key to Long-Term Success for Mid-Market Telecom Enterprises Members Public

Telecom businesses must embrace new strategies and technologies to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market. This involves adopting trends like 5G, IoT, and cloud computing, being proactive and agile, and considering customer-centric and innovative approaches for long-term success.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro

Disruptive Technologies & Innovation - Don't Get Blindsided Members Public

Disruptive Technologies are often Deceptive. Business leaders have always faced this Innovators' dilemma or conundrum. Whether, When, and How Much to invest in the "NEW."

Chander Nagpal
Chander Nagpal

The Prophecy of Innovation Members Public

Creative tension is important in order to achieve a vision. Leaders can reclaim their imagination in a world of overwhelming information and short-term thinking.

Harold S Neto
Harold S Neto