Exponential Medicine — Artificial Intelligence + Robotic Surgery Paid Members Public
Upcoming developments of artificial intelligence (AI) combined with robotic assisted surgery (RAS) will lead to dedicated systems, reduced cost + complexity and with the higher precision to increased clinical acceptance.
The Mechanics of Exponential Growth in Business: Unleashing the Power of Exponential Organizations Paid Members Public
In today's rapidly changing business landscape, exponential growth is the key to success. Explore the mechanics of business growth, and attributes of exponential organizations, and gain insights on implementing these strategies to revolutionize industries and achieve lasting success.

Exploring the Dynamic World of Books: The Rise of Interactive AI-Enabled "Living Books" Paid Members Public
Step into a new era of reading with 'living books,' where artificial intelligence breathes life into traditional literature, allowing you to engage, explore, and personalize your reading experience like never before.

Drivers of Your Community: How They Work and What You Should Know (Part 1) Paid Members Public
Community building thrives on the powerful Drivers that shape people's decisions and actions. Understanding and harnessing these Drivers attracts members and cultivates an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, fostering engagement and growth within the community.
The River of Fear for AI Paid Members Public
Generative AI activates many fears, it all depends on our mindset to collaborate positively with it.

The Growth of Employment in the face of Technology, Protests, Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt Paid Members Public
Technology has brought significant improvements to human life, including longer and healthier lives and supporting the growth of the world's population. However, with each new technology shift, there have been instances of "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt" (FUD) surrounding the changes.