Abundance, Universal Basic Income, Blockchain, and Technological Socialism Members Public

The rise of abundance has led to a 'productivity explosion' driven by technological advancements, significantly increasing output per input unit across various sectors and ushering in a new era of material abundance.

Rodrigo Castro
Rodrigo Castro
Aerospace Manufacturing Campus Edge Initiative - image by Kynny Canva Pro

Lean Propels Minority Trailblazer to Exponential Heights Members Public

Breaking through traditional barriers, Goodrich Aerospace Systems (United Tech. and now Raytheon) have joined forces to create an innovative cross-border manufacturing hub. This bold initiative redefined aerospace manufacturing with cutting-edge technologies and exponential growth strategies.

Niki Faldemolaei Connie Gunther
Environmental Impact

Medical Devices of the Future: How Deep Tech Startups are Revolutionizing Diagnosis and Treatment Members Public

Deep tech, encompassing advancements like robotics, AI, and genomics, is revolutionizing the medical devices sector by enhancing diagnostics and patient treatment, showcased by a surge in value and investments post-pandemic, with projections indicating significant growth by 2032.

Medical Innovations

Navigating the Waves: The 2024 Bitcoin Halving Edition Members Public

Explore Bitcoin's 2024 halving, highlighting its scarcity and influence on the digital economy. Learn how such events foster Bitcoin's evolution and resilience in finance, focusing on education rather than financial advice.

Cesar Castro
Cesar Castro

Prepare for Impactful Vision & Strategy Sessions Members Public

A well-crafted strategy is crucial for translating that vision into actionable steps that drive growth, innovation, and competitive advantage.


From High-Speed Thrills to a Greener Planet: My Journey to Environmental Advocacy Members Public

From the roar of Ferrari engines to the quiet resolve of sustainable living, discover how the birth of a child sparked a dramatic shift in one man's mission to delete all trash from the planet.

Lucas Marcell
Lucas Marcell
Environmental Impact
Reimagining Our Future in the Age of Climate Emergency - image by Metamorworks Canva Pro

Exponential Transformation: Reimagining Our Future in the Age of Climate Emergency Members Public

We have entered into an era of extraordinary collaboration, a 'hive mind' if you will, where people are collaborating initially to avert the worst impacts of the climate emergency, biodiversity loss, and the threat of extinction.

Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei
Climate Change

L.O.V.E Your Customer Members Public

The final step in the L.O.V.E. framework is to Experiment and Evolve, where we prototype and test potential solutions, demonstrating a commitment to agility, flexibility, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

Customer Experience