Nishan Degnarain

Economist, specializing in the use of new tech to drive sustainable economic growth, particularly for low- and middle-income countries. Head of ExO Solutions.

Book Review: Amplified Transformation Through Music Members Public

The latest book by award-winning songwriter and producer, Frank Fitzpatrick, is a tour de force of the immense power of music and sound to transform lives.

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain

The Ocean Accountability Board: a new model for Global Governance Members Public

Our current ways of governing our oceans is failing. What could a radically new global governance set of institutions look like that harness the power of exponential organizations?

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain

Why we need a Fair Trade DNA Certification to launch the Bioeconomy Members Public

The world is on the brink of a Bioeconomy revolution.  New advances in the ability to read, write, edit and print DNA are unleashing a new biological industrial revolution that will see radically new medical, industrial, food and agricultural products. Billions of dollars have flooded into new bioeconomy companies, many

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain

Survival Of The Kindest: A New Mantra To Rebuild The Global Economy Members Public

That our current global economic system is broken is no surprise. The question is where to turn to for hope. New insights from nature may provide the answer. A broken economic system Underlying economic injustices [] have been magnified by the

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain

How Exponential Organizations And Compassionate Leadership Could Define The Next Decade Members Public

The world is facing a leadership crisis. This leadership crisis has extended from the public to the private and nonprofit worlds. It is not just about individual leaders but about a system and set of institutions that are failing. The incoming Biden and Harris Administration have a unique opportunity to

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain

The Great Coronavirus Reset: Five New Bretton Woods Institutions For 21st Century’s Exponential Challenges Members Public

Before the COVID-19 crisis, our global institutions were on the brink – this pandemic has pushed them over the edge. When the world recovers from this crisis – and it will – society and the global economy will look very different. The world faces a choice: whether to build back the same governance

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain

How To Get To 1 Billion Electric Vehicles Without Mining The Ocean Floor Members Public

Seabed Mining is an example of exponential technology that is destructive.

Nishan Degnarain
Nishan Degnarain