Karina Besprosvan

Award-winning and extensively cited Researcher/Data storyteller, Insight & innovation expert /Brand strategy & communication specialist/Featured Speaker/Educator leader/Winner EXoCoach Award latam2020

How To Create Community And Generate Engagement: A Shared Adventure Members Public

With a strong MTP: “Make our voices an exponential network.” We added nearly 30 companies and more than 1000 connected people who joined our cause. We managed to help 4 Latin-American NGOs, mentored them and helped them find their purpose, and became stronger and better prepared for the future.

Karina Besprosvan
Karina Besprosvan
Women & Leadership

The Age of Adaptability: Are You Still Doing The Same As 10 Years Ago? Time to Move. Members Public

As platforms, formats, regulations, and the pandemic continue to evolve, ADAPTABILITY will continue to be the greatest asset in building an effective and resilient year.

Karina Besprosvan
Karina Besprosvan