David Werdiger

I'm passionate about helping families go through the journey of wealth transition and business transition. That means succession for some, or it might mean exit for some. 


Entrepreneurial Legacy Members Public

Some rising-generation family members are carrying their family’s legacy in their roles and adding new dimensions, such as women’s empowerment in entrepreneurship. Another approach is to honor the family’s entrepreneurial legacy while also approaching their industry in a new way.

David Werdiger
David Werdiger
Entrepreneurs & Intrapreneurs

The New Matriarchs Members Public

Recognizing the shift in demographics, the ecosystem is adapting, with initiatives emerging to help women family leaders find their voices and become more active participants in managing their family’s wealth.

David Werdiger
David Werdiger
Women & Leadership

COVID & Resilience Members Public

The resilience of family businesses comes from other factors as well: the entrepreneurial spirit of innovating in times of crisis, and the emotional and social bonds that exist both within the family and within the wider family business group and its stakeholders.

David Werdiger
David Werdiger